The MaXSDR SoC™ is an integrated Software Defined Radio (SDR) System-on-Chip (SoC). The MaXSDR SoC™ achieves significant performance improvement over traditional SDR approaches by co-integrating a state-of-the-art RF transceiver with vast digital compute resources on a single silicon die.
RF Transceiver:
The integrated RF transceiver supports frequencies from 1.5 to 2.5GHz and signal bandwidths up to 20MHz.
Digital Resources:
Three Linux Capable RISC-V processors are designed to host the radio waveform with support from the Manycore Array (192 RISC-V cores) for parallelized waveform PHY processing.
These resources interact directly with the RF transceiver allowing for a true Bits-In/RF-Out chip.
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High-Voltage Envelope Modulator

Radio Transceiver Hardware

Digital Predistortion Software Package

Digital Processing Chip Hardware for Board Integration

Power Amplifier System and Waveform Generator